Horse and cart at Mansons Landing, Cortes Island

Flo McKay driving, Jean Manson beside her. Back from left: Dorothy Manson, Dorcas Essen, Anne McDevitt, Lottie McDevitt, Manson's Landing school building in background.

The The new elementary school on Quadra Island shortly after construction

View of the Wharf at Quathiaski Cove

Anderson's house and store on the wharf in Quathiaski Cove, Quadra Island.

August and Zaida Schnarr's daughters wearing rose hip necklaces

Pearl on the left, Pansy on the right, likely taken when the family lived at Bute Inlet.

Two hunters with grizzly bear hide at Knight Inlet

One of the hunters is Paul Pojhie.

Aerial view of Cape Mudge Village in 1967

The Union Steamship, Venture

The Marlatt family

Clockwise from left: Charles, Egerton, Elizabeth, Roy, Samuel with Mary, Paul, and Winonah. Members of the Marlatt family homesteaded on Mary Island.

Believe to be the Lansall family home in Chameleon Harbour

August married Zaida Lansall in 1922. The Lansall family homesteaded at Cameleon Harbour, Sonora Island.

Group of school children at Cortes Island

Children may be standing in the school yard adjacent to the Mansons Landing School.

W.E. Anderson with his grandson Edward McAllister

W.E. Anderson was the owner operator of the Quathiaski Canning Company, Quadra Island. This photograph was taking in their back garden of his Vancouver home at 1499 Angus Drive.

View of Cape Mudge village from the water

Luoma Family Homestead at Granite Bay, Quadra Island

August Schnarr's daughter beside one of his animal cages, 1920s

Looks like Pearl Schnarr standing in front of one of the mink cages that August Schnarr had at his homestead at Bute Inlet.

Hunter with grizzly bear hide and hunting equipment

Grizzly bear hunt was likely lead by long time Knight Inlet resident, Jim Stanton.

Quadra Island May Day, 1958

Carolyn (Grafton) Price is crowned. Possibly Christine (Ogren) Thompson to her left.

Twidle's Boat "The Illini" tied up a dock at Granite Bay

The "Illini" belonged the Henry and Agnes Twidle who were early Granite Bay settlers.

Guide Jim Stanton, with grizzly bear hide in the Knight Inlet area

At this time in 1953 this was reportedly the largest grizzly bear ever shot in Canada. The length and width of the bear's skull was 16 4/10" by 9 5/16". Standing beside the bear hide is well known Knight Inlet resident and hunting guide, Jim Stanton. This bear was shot on September...

Quadra Island Gathering

From left: Alfred Joyce, Frank Gagne, Mrs. Bryant (seated), Ethel Bigold with Chappie, Mr. Bryant (standing), Mr. Scott (Mrs. Hovell's father), Harry or Arthur Neal, Mrs. Bell, Helen Joyce, Danny or Chester Howse, Harry or Arthur Neal, and Joe Bigold. Seated on left is Mrs. Howse.

Jim and Laurette Stanton's home at the head of Knight's Inlet, B.C.

The Stantons' log home at Dutchman Head, Knight's Inlet

Portrait of James Forrest

James Forrest first arrived at Shoal Bay in 1900 and managed the store operated by the Gold Fields of British Columbia Ltd. He was later joined by his new wife Ann and they remained there for several years.

The Orchard in front of the Yeatman house, Quadra Island

Possibly Dot Yeatman standing in the yard of their home at Sunny Side Farm.

Luoma Family, Granite Bay, Quadra Island

Left to right: Wilho, Reino, Amanda, Valdho (Walter) (behind Amanda), Andrew (on Amanda's lap), Erro, Emil, Heldge (on Emil's lap), and Eino. Identification was provided by Angela May Luoma in June 1991 and Julie Ann Luoma in 2016. Emil Luoma emigrated from Finland in 1906 to establish a...

Union Steamship the S.S. Cassiar at wharf at Heriot Bay, Quadra Island

This vessel's nickname was Casey.

Float at Simoon Sound

The Dunsmiths and friends on the float at Simoon Sound. Tied up the float is the store, post office, and school.