"Children's Day" A Garden Party, Heriot Bay, B.C.

"Children's Day" A Garden Party, Heriot Bay, B.C.

"Children's Day" A Garden Party, Heriot Bay, B.C.

Post Card dated August 11, 1909. From left: Mrs. Maxwell, Mrs. Horner, Mrs. Bagot holding Esther, behind them; Billy Glennan. Back row from left: Frank Bagot, Mrs. Bryant, Daisy Bryant, Mr. Tester, Jack Hanager, Phil Horner, to the bottom right of Phil; Dick Cobb, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, in yellow hat; Reverend Mr. Gord, below him; Ethel Joyce, beside Ethel; Elva Anderson, behind Elva; Mrs. Bell, in the hat; Hosea Bull, in front of Hosea; Mrs. Yeatman, Peggy Bagot, Katie Walker, Velma Anderson, behind Velma; Unknown, Alice K. Cooke, in front of Alice; Unknown, Edie Letson, Alice Bryant, Winnie Walker, behind Winnie; Reverend Gardner, Harry Letson, behind Harry; Joe Dick, Unknown, Mrs. Bull, Sam Joyce, Mrs. Dick, Mrs. (Mr.?) Letson, Jack Hovell, Mrs. Hovell. Front row of children from left: (name scratched out, could be Leo or Geo) Rheimbault, Archie Simons, Cecil Bull, Tootie Letson, Mae Anderson, Dot Yeatman, Diane Bagot, Milka Cooke, Helen Joyce, Unknown, Unknown, Edward Maxwell, Charlie Callow, Russell Callow, and Cecil Joyce in the yellow hat.

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